Message From Village Leader


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About us

Greetings Good People,

Upon returning to Los Angeles after receiving my Bachelors degree, I accepted a job as a middle school teacher at a school for children with disabilities. Although I had no previous experience, My experiences drew me to the needs of children with disabilities and the lack of attention and support provided depending on the individual demographic location. I was already busy participating in specific volunteer work to gain experience while navigating the community. While attempting to assist as many individuals as possible, I wondered how to create programs and resources, allowing individuals and their families to receive the support they need and deserve.

After years of service, I realized how difficult it was for many parents, with few resources, to manage their family members’ illness and all of its life-altering effects while being single parents or holding minimum wage jobs, or raising multiple children with and without a disability. As a result of my work as a direct service provider, I became poignantly aware of the problems parents face when trying to obtain services—and even fundamental human rights for their unique needs child. My inclusive programs are created to provide resources and provide an individual with the opportunity to explore the desires of their life.

Moreover, I learned that thousands of children with autism in disenfranchised communities of color miss out on services offered to children with disabilities. Studies show that these children are often diagnosed later than their non-minority peers, misdiagnosed at a higher rate; labeled emotionally disturbed;
and are often over-medicated. Many families are denied benefits, and because of these challenges, they have difficulty exercising their right to proper education and a productive future.

This discrimination brought me to provide private, affordable services and start Maliaka & Associates, LLC, an agency that fosters social inclusion for individuals with disabilities andpromotes equality and fair treatment to all people. For over ten years, I have met parents of children with autism who refused to give up or give in. Working with these families and witnessing their struggles has inspired me to share my skills as a skilled service provider to create a community that believes we stand together in this world. Maliaka & Associates is that community, that village, where individuals with
disabilities and their families in Los Angeles and throughout the State of California can create the communication in the world that provides change and the opportunity to be heard.

Although there is much work to be done, Former first lady Michelle Obama reminds us—”When you have worked hard and done well and walked through that doorway of opportunity… do not slam it shut behind you…you reach back and give other folks the same chances that helped you succeed.” This belief is what the men and women that I am privileged to work with at Maliaka & Associates do every day for the most vulnerable children in our society. After returning to school I received my Masters in Counseling with an emphasis in Rehabilitation to discover unique ways to explore the whole person, the environment, and resources to assist in creating quality of life for everyone. And for this, I stand in gratitude and filled with the possibility that individuals with disabilities across this nation will continue to smile, grow, discover, and live their life to the fullest.

I appreciate all,
Maliaka Mitchell, M.S.